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Daily Big Brother #BB1. Live Feed Updates: Monday, July 1. Sharing is caring! For spoilers on Comps, Alliances and House Stats visit us at http: //getreallol. For Sunday, July 1.
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AM BBT The HGs are teaching Josh how to speak correctly. The keep correcting the way he says asked. Paul is making him repeat him. HN Paul and Elena looking to see if Josh fixed something. Kitchen Paul and Elena and Raven talking about Raven’s dad before her mom and dad got married. Back Yard Cowboy going to make a suite for Paul that has scales for Cosplay, Paul was the devil last year he painted himself red. Marvel is going to make a comic about the HGs after the show.
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The Meatball man for Josh crying all the time. Josh says he is the Meatball man a good guy Matt is going to be the Silver Fox, Ramses is going to be the bitch. Mark is going to be the Pink Hunk, Elena is going to be Thunder Queen. Cowboy did a lunge earlier and hurt is butt so he does not want to do any more exercises. Paul wants to get Ramses baked (drunk) after the show.
Kitchen Alex and Elena talking about them growing up and her step brothers. Mark walks up wants some of their food but he is a HN and he can only have salsa and no chips. Christmas says she would have sucked on the comp. Elena tells Mark that he is not going to get favoritism just because he likes her. Mark is not able to workout as he is too hungry.
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AM BBT Kitchen Elena tells them that mark cannot workout because when he eats slop 3. Back yard Kevin and Cowboy talking about Ramses as acting like a little kid but like to help him.
Raven goes out to hammock and sits with Matt. Paul says he see Josh getting paranoid and Ramses freaking out. Kitchen Cowboy Alex and Elena eating.
Back yard Paul says Kevin would blow them all away at partying. Paul would be the guy to run and get burgers. Paul talking about when he was on tour and saw all the stars in the sky because no pollution in New Orleans. Josh asks Paul if he has ever been to Miami and Paul jumps back and says I told I have never been to Miami before but I want to go. Christmas taking about being a judge on a tattoo show in Miami.

Paul saw the Tattoo artist that he uses only does Old Flash art and never uses the same one over. Talking about Dom going to bed too early and how Kevin is going tell her she needs to play the game. Kitchen, Cowboy saying he wanted to talk to Elena in casting before after he saw her with her scarf around her neck.
AM BBT Kitchen, Elena talking about people that she thinks are not attractive and Mark says like me? She calls people like that are Chad named. Elena says she has not warn her bandana since being in the house and Cowboy say Him too. Elena says that she is afraid that if she trips around Mark and would eat her as his mouth is so big. Talk changes to 5. Shades of Gray being a Love Story but then say if was about the guy being women until he fell in love then it turned into a love story. Mark asks Elena if she cries at movies she says no.
Ramses walks by going to bathroom and Elena yells out “Did you just fart as you walked by” He says no. Mark crying Ramses says he cried at this one movie . Mark said he cried at Beastly with Selena Gomez. Backyard Paul and Christmas saying that Dom is pulling a cast from last year. Saying that Paul is going to be out soon and bring up that she is saying that from someone being on the block. Alex said that You called him Paul a snake she said no.
Paul says she is doing this because Paul is a vet and that is why she is doing this. Christmas says that one thing about Paul is that he is going to tell it like it is and not soften it up for you. Josh said that he was sleeping in the room when this all took place last night/morning when they woke him up with this fight.
Paul asks Dom why is he a snake? Asks Dom if she ever watched BB or not as the way she is acting.
He does not need any more info about her. Dom was called out but did not want to confront the rest of the HGs as Paul had her.
Josh says that Dom did say the snake thing but did not say Paul’s name but did infer to Paul. This was after the Nominations. She s aid there is a snake in this house but would not say a name.
Josh says that Dom tells him a lot about the game. AM BBT Backyard Paul asks Josh about what Dom said about the other HGs . Paul saying that he did not put her on the block and did not have anything to do with it. Kevin asks Josh if they met in Miami or not before the show? She said I cannot confirm or deny it. Christmas says she Dom is trying to use things against the hgs but not having anything to use.
Kevin asks is everybody still up and Josh says yes Elena Cowboy Mark and Alex are in the kitchen talking. Paul tells how he told Dom to stop using God in the house as the House in not a place to use your religion here. Christmas Bounty Movie Watch Online there.
Paul says he is not a sketchy person he plays it hard. Do not disrespect him say it to my face not behind my back. Do not use it as a backward agenda ask me and “I WILL TELL YOU” Christmas said that Dom gt so pissed when asked if Christmas was going to vote for Dom or not and Christmas said she would not vote to keep her here. Talk goes to Dom acting like Tiffany did playing everyone against her. Kevin and Josh fighting over when the Jury house opens Kevin says it will be after Dom leaves Josh says it will be this week. Kevin says he know that it will be after Dom as he has watched this since the beginning. AM BBT Backyard Kevin says that BB want to keep this cast as they are good for them BB.
He know it. Kevin says that it will be 9 in jury and if it is 7 then he was just of because of the early out. Kevin says this cast is so unpredictable. Kevin says he knows for a fact that BB will announce it as they have in the past.
Christmas says she cannot wait to get to Jury hose and tell the stories Kevin says he is going to be in the final 3. Talking about how the 3rd person that is voted out is out one week before the finale vote. Kevin saying that if his guy win HOH then they have no problem. If Paul makes it to HOH that he is going to dominate. If Jason wins HOH he is going to put up Ramses and Josh. Kitchen Paul is going to take Mark and get him Manscaped, they are going to take Paul’s car and Mark will have to sit in front seat as he will not fit in backseat.
Backyard Kevin and Christmas talking about if Christmas wins HOH is she going to put up Ramses and . She would listen to the group and make a group decision Jason wanted to make the power move. Kevin is going to talk to Jason as they walk around the yard about what they should do with the POV use it or not. Kevin saying that Jason of Mark will win this week. Should you use the POV this week since you won it would change things up. Jason asks is there a theory to use it or not this week. Kevin sounds like he is going to use it make sure that Dom goes home this week.
Kevin says that Jason might take Jess down. Christmas says that if Jason uses the Veto to pull off Jess that it will put the target on him. Jason says that he would never tell the person that he is going to use it on that person as Pawn but he would not do that. Kevin trying to control this for Jason. AM BBT Backyard Kevin and Christmas and Jason talking about Jason using the veto. The numbers are 3 for Dom, Ramses and everyone else is going to vote the same way 1.
Jason says that if he uses the veto that he will know who is going to be put up. Jason says that Jess has asked him to use it on her. Mark walks out and wants to play a game of pool before he goes to bed. Going to play Mark against Cowboy and Kevin play the winner.
Kitchen Paul yells out that Raven is such a Bi but stops with that as he knows that Raven is walking out of bathroom. No game talk just chicken talk.
Backyard Christmas goes into house as Kevin and Jason and Mark play pool. Raven asks Paul if he heard of the Stanley Hotel she says yes. Oral sex talk from Elena you cannot have oral sex if you eat cheese Paul says well I guess I am not getting any tonight as he is eating cheese in his eggs.
Jason asks if Paul uses Social dating sites or not.