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OKC Owl Cam. OKC Owl Cam News. Episode 9 Alessondra's Who & A Show Season Finale 5. Posted by OKCOwl.
Cam — Thursday May 1. Highs, lows, tears, and goodbyes as Alessondra and Jeff take viewer questions and reminisce over Season 5 happenings in an emotional Who & A Season Finale. Does Alessondra have a new favorite owl across all 5 seasons? Will there be a Season 6? Find out this and more in Episode 9, and be sure to follow OKCOwl. Cam on You. Tube! Episode 8 Alessondra's Who & A Show 5. Posted by OKCOwl.
Cam — Tuesday May 2nd, 2. S5 - Episode 8 Alessondra's Who & A Show from OKC Owl Cam on Vimeo. Alessondra talks about Principio getting visited by one of his siblings, and takes viewer questions. Episode 7 Alessondra's Who & A Show 4.
Posted by OKCOwl. Cam — Wednesday Apr 2. S5 - Episode 7 Alessondra's Who & A Show from OKC Owl Cam on Vimeo. Alessondra discusses Primo's fledge, what to expect as we wind down Season 5, and takes viewer questions. Episode 5 Alessondra's Who & A Show. Posted by OKCOwl.
Cam — Tuesday Apr 1. S5 - Episode 5 Alessondras Who & A Show 4. OKC Owl Cam on Vimeo.
Alessondra discusses some behind the scenes details about Principio's adoption and answers more viewer questions. Episode 4 Alessondra's Who & A Show 4.
The 2017 Barred Owl Cam is Now Offline. The Wild Birds Unlimited Barred Owl Cam is offline for the 2017 season. Thanks for watching! October 19, 2017 Women's Volleyball A Special Night for the Lady Owls The Volleyball team took the court honoring their Sophomore teammates. It’s cake versus ice cream for Splatoon 2's first Splatfest and we’re streaming all the fun live on our Twitch channel. Come and join the mayhem!
Posted by OKCOwl. Cam — Thursday Apr 6th, 2. Season 5, Episode 4 Alessondra's Who & A Show Adoption from OKC Owl Cam on Vimeo. Alessondra and Jeff are joined by Deziray Click and little sis, Giavauna, to announce Principio's name and discuss all that went into making the adoption happen.
Mr. Tiger & Altera Have Adopted! Posted by OKCOwl. Cam — Saturday Apr 1st, 2. Watch Online Watch Critical Nexus Full Movie Online Film more.
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Alessondra Announces Altera & Mr. Tiger's Adoption from OKC Owl Cam on Vimeo. Meet the latest member of the Tiger family as of tonight.
From Alessondra's video announcement, ran just before revealing the nest with the new baby owl on Friday night: "I hope you're enjoying Season 5, and all of its crazy twists and surprises. Tonight, I come to you with perhaps what will be the biggest surprise yet. As you know, we added to the Click Family last May with the adoption of my baby brother, Xavier. The experience was beautiful for all of us. So much so, we've decided to adopt again, and we wanted you to be the first to know! My Mom just brought the new addition home tonight, and the baby is just a few weeks old. We aren't sure yet of the gender..

That's because the new addition isn't to OUR family, it's to the Tiger family! That's right, Mr. Tiger and Altera are adopting!
One of our go- to resources is Wild. Care. Oklahoma. They recently rescued a baby owl that was discovered among some trees that were being cleared in a suburb of OKC. This owl is right behind Primo & Secundo in age, so they have asked us to consider transplanting it into our nest given that Mr. Tiger is a great hunter and is experienced in providing for more than two kids. This is its best chance to remain in the wild. As we always do when faced with an important decision behind the scenes here at the OKC Owl Cam, we've consulted with our other trusted Owl advisors.
Because we all agree that the conditions are right to help restore this baby to its rightful place in the wild, and because my family are strong believers in adoption, we believe this is the right thing to do. We think you'll agree that this is yet another huge, but truly poetic twist to Season 5! I know you'll likely have a ton of questions and concerns for what this means both for the Tiger Family and baby owl. Know that we are working with experienced professionals behind the scenes who are monitoring and advising every step of this process. On Monday night at 8: 3.
I invite you to join my parents and me for our next episode of "Who & A", where we will be fielding your questions. Our trusted and knowledgeable chat moderators are available to provide more information in chat in the meantime.
This new little owl has been through a lot in the past two weeks, having lost its original family and home. I hope you will join me in giving it the warmest of welcomes, the sincerest of prayers, and your most genuine regard as an equal and deserving member of the distinguished Tiger family. Alessondra, out."#adoption. Episode 3 - Alessondra's Who & A Show - 3. Posted by OKCOwl.
Cam — Tuesday Mar 2. Alessondra's Who & A Show - Season 5, Episode 3 from OKC Owl Cam on Vimeo.
What is our plan of action for the owls should a tornado come? How does Alessondra choose the names each season?
Has having the owls nest at our house changed Jeff's perspectives on development and home building? Find out the answers to these, and other great questions in Episode 3 of Alessondra's Live "Who & A" show! Episode 2 - Alessondra's Who & A Show - 3. Posted by OKCOwl. Cam — Monday Mar 2. Alessondra takes questions from chatters and viewers on her 2nd episode of the new "Who & A" show. Episode 1 - Alessondra's Who & A Show - 3.
Posted by OKCOwl. Cam — Thursday Mar 1. Alessondra's Who & A Show - 3. OKC Owl Cam on Vimeo. Alessondra's first episode of her "Who & A" show, where she discusses recent nest happenings and takes questions from chatters.
CST, Saturday, Feb 4th. Posted by OKCOwl. Cam — Saturday Feb 4th, 2. Watch Veljekset Online. Watch 14 Blades Online Forbes'>Watch 14 Blades Online Forbes.
We now have TWO eggs! Altera took a brief break from the nest, revealing a second egg has been laid in this new nest site.
This egg shall be referred to as E5. Season 5. 1. 2: 3. CST, Wednesday, Feb 1st.
Posted by OKCOwl. Cam — Wednesday Feb 1st, 2. We have another egg! Altera has been showing signs of pre- nesting for the past week and a half on the East ledge and has now officially nested for the second time for Season 5, this time on the east ledge.
Her choice of pot is the same as Mrs. Tiger's choice for Seasons 2 - 4. This is her 5th egg for Season 5, and will be referred to as "E5. Season 5, Egg 5) until hopefully a successful hatch, at which time Alessondra will name it according to tradition. An exact time laid has not yet been determined.
If such a time isn't able to be determined by study of her behavior and vocalizations, we will consider the lay time as the first time it was visible on camera as we have in the past. If she is to lay others, it will likely be on Friday, as both she and Mrs. Tiger have previously laid their eggs two 2 days apart. Stay tuned! 6: 0. CST, Thursday, Jan 2. Posted by OKCOwl. Cam — Thursday Jan 2.
In past pre- nesting behavior, Mrs. Tiger would begin to spend extended periods of time sitting in the nest pot during her nightly visits. As those visits grew longer over the course of several nights, we would know she was about to begin laying when she would remain there after sunrise. Altera showed the same behavior last month in her first egg- laying efforts. Fast forward to several weeks later, and we are now beginning to see Altera again take extended visits, only this time on the east ledge, which is the nest site for Season 2 - Season 4. Consequently, cameras have all been moved to this ledge to monitor her visitation. We've kept the stream live so that viewers can have an opportunity to witness their pre- nesting behavior, which is something we haven't streamed in the past.
Enjoy!- -JC3: 0. 0pm CST, Wednesday, Jan 1. Posted by OKCOwl. Cam — Wednesday Jan 1. After several days of no activity at the pot with the eggs, it is safe to say they have been abandoned and are non- viable. While this is sad news, we have seen signs that give us hope for another shot at Season 5.
Just around the corner from this nest pot is the pot chosen by the Tigers for Seasons 2- 4. For the past few nights, we have seen both Mr. Tiger and Altera prepping this pot the same way they did the previous pot just before eggs were laid.
Mr. T has been aggressively coaxing her to this location, bringing food and calling for her for up to a half- hour, which is unusually long for him to stay in one place. Quite a bit of digging has also been done.