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PVR by Medical dictionary. Synonym/acronym: Impedance plethysmography, PVR. To measure changes in blood vessel size or changes in gas volume in the lungs to assist in diagnosing diseases such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and some peripheral vascular disorders. Veins, arteries, and lungs. None. Plethysmography is a noninvasive diagnostic manometric study used to measure changes in the size of blood vessels by determining volume changes in the blood vessels of the eye, extremities, and neck or to measure gas volume changes in the lungs.
Arterial plethysmography assesses arterial circulation in an upper or lower limb; it is used to diagnose extremity arteriosclerotic disease and to rule out occlusive disease. The test requires a normal extremity for comparison of results.
The test is performed by applying a series of three blood pressure cuffs to the extremity. The amplitude of each pulse wave is then recorded. Venous plethysmography, done with a series of cuffs, measures changes in venous capacity and outflow (volume and rate of outflow); it is used to diagnose a thrombotic condition that causes obstruction of the major veins of the extremity. When the cuffs are applied to an extremity in patients with venous obstruction, no initial increase in leg volume is recorded because the venous volume of the leg cannot dissipate quickly. Body plethysmography measures the total amount (volume) of air within the thorax, whether or not the air is in ventilatory communication with the lung; the elasticity (compliance) of the lungs; and the resistance to airflow in the respiratory tree. It is used in conjunction with pulmonary stress testing and pulmonary function testing.
Looking for online definition of PVR in the Medical Dictionary? PVR explanation free. What is PVR? Meaning of PVR medical term. What does PVR mean? Instagram, Facebook’s hotter, snootier subsidiary, may have a massive data breach on its hands. is the ultimate sports apparel and Fan Gear Store. Our sports store features Football Jerseys, T-shirts, Hats and more for NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, MLS and.
Impedance plethysmography is widely used to detect acute deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the leg, but it can also be used in the arm, abdomen, neck, or thorax. Doppler flow studies now are used to identify DVT, but ultrasound studies are less accurate in examinations below the knee.
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